Morecambe Advancement
The latest addition on the membership roll of Morecambe Mark Lodge No. 716 is John Hayes. John is a bubbly character and a well-respected almoner of his craft lodge. He is a welcome addition to the ranks of the lodge.
Tony Harrison, John Hayes and Geoff Bury
John had been proposed as candidate by Geoff Bury and that proposal was seconded by Tony Harrison. It was therefore indeed appropriate that this pair of eminent Mark masons acted as deacons on the evening and escorted their candidate during the course of the ceremony.
Adrian Kerslake, Chris Butterfield, Alan Gregory BEM and Ken Needham
The first part of the advancement was undertaken by WM Chris Butterfield. He was then assisted by Alan Gregory who occupied the chair for the second part of the ceremony. They proved a fine team.
Keiron Mullan (Furness), Graham Benson (Furness WM), Jim Richards (Jubilee),
Peter Quirk (Jubilee), Chris Butterfield and Tony Harrison
The working tools of the degree were presented and explained by Geoff in good style.
Also on the evening Grand Mark certificates were presented to Ken Needham and Adrian Kerslake.
Following the formalities of the lodge room it was time for companionship and good food. As we are nearing the festive season turkey was on the menu. Amongst those enjoying the repast were visitors from Furness and Jubilee Mark lodges.
A new member admitted to our order, a nice ceremony, good food and pleasant company – what is there not to like?  (Apart from the mist and patchy fog on the journey home).
Here’s to the next time, keep safe, enjoy your Mark masonry and the festive period.
Words and pictures by David Sear